Stetson Place
Site Remediation
Duxbury, MA
Project Highlights:
– Erosion Control
– Excavation, Stockpiling, Transportation and Disposal of 2,000 CY
– Backfill and restoration of 2 acre parcel
– Dewatering and water treatment
– MA DEP oversight
Summary of project
TRIDENT Environmental Group, LLC was selected based on our project understanding and our proven track record of performing projects on time and within budget. This former paint shop in Duxbury, Massachusetts is situated within a residential neighborhood. Contaminated soils encountered included lead impacts of both hazardous and non hazardous levels.

Trident’s role in the project
TRIDENT was hired to excavate and stockpile 2,000 CY. Loading, transportation, and disposal of 2,000 CY were performed. The excavations were backfilled and compacted to restore the site. Dewatering systems were utilized in deep excavations and all water was treated utilizing a portable water treatment trailer.